Category: On The Writing Life

The Ego Box

Dean Wesley Smith has a great article up on one of the traps a bunch of writers fall into: believing that, once they’d made a couple of sales, they know everything they need to know to keep selling. Uh ….

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You Do What?

There’s this great line Faye Dunaway has in Bonnie and Clyde: “We rob banks.”  (If you’ve never seen the movie, do.  In another incarnation, I studied and wrote articles about film and I still think it must be glorious to…

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When You Can’t Say No

Stephen King does a fabulous review of a new Raymond Carver biography and volume of Carver’s stores, restored after being eviscerated by Esquire‘s then-editor, Gordon Lish. (This isn’t the first time this issue has come up either; the NYT has…

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The Definition of Hard Work

Coming up with a title for this post was . . . well, hard and that’s probably a tribute to the fact that I’m in the HARD part of my latest book–which translates to the initial glow has faded, that…

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Lightbulb Moments

Just going to show that no time is wasted . . . I’m driving, fretting that I’m not writing instead, and then I hear a story on NPR.  The story is a follow-up to an article I read the week before–that…

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The Daily Grind

And I’m not talking about coffee . . . This week, I began work on my newest YA in earnest.  Unfortunately, I missed a day so today, I’m on the job, working to make my goals for the week.  Kind…

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