Month: April 2010

Phantom of a Past Life

The New York  Times has a great article on David Bordwell, a film historian who used to teach at UW-Madison.  Now I didn’t know the latter factoid until I read this article, though I do know about Bordwell because when…

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The Absolute Value of -1

Here’s the trailer for the book that will kick off the Carolrhoda Lab imprint this fall: The Absolute Value of -1 by Steve Brezenoff. And the link to Steve’s website: Woot-woot!

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More on the Coming Crash

Following on a very nice comment by Edwin Thompson on my Facebook page, here’s my reply: Well, I’ve been thinking more about this, too, and I agree with part of what you say and disagree with other parts. I don’t…

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That Sound You Hear . . .

Is the publishing industry crashing? According to Mike Stackpole’s latest Huffington Post blog, it is–and he even gives a time-line: 2012, he figures, and June, to be exact.  Why then?  Because that’s when Apple makes iPhone OS 4.0 available which,…

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You Don’t Know Mystery

Until you’ve been under the sea . . . A very nice piece on Alexandra Cousteau, Jacques Cousteau’s granddaughter, in the NYT this morning. Having dived quite a bit–including Ms. Cousteau’s favorite spot, Bonaire, (mine is the Great Barrier Reef…

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