Blocks of Wood

Very nice post by writer Steve York on who exactly owns what when it comes to books.  While I’m not in 100% agreement with how much better off students might be with paper-less textbooks (I don’t they will be, at least not with the current generation of readers, and maybe not ever . . . hang out with multiple tomes of fat textbooks as long as I did and, yeah, they’re a pain, but current readers just can’t replicate your ability to move to the right paragraph, highlight where you need, or even get the bloody tables right–see this post by Booksquare, which is spot-on), I do agree that textbooks are hugely overpriced and frequently outdated by the time they hit shelves. This is particularly true of science textbooks where, in some fields, there are revisions and major shifts in understanding every other month.  There’s also a good article about the problems with ebook pricing right now and how Amazon might actually be undermining itself–and us–here

Currently reading: Vacations from Hell  (Libba Bray, Cassandra Clare, Claudia Gray, Maureen Johnson, Sarah Mylnowski) and Dolphin Mysteries  by Toni Frohoff, Kathleen Dudzinksi, and Marc Bekoff.

Currently listening to: Wicked Prey  by John Sandford (Sandford’s long been one of my favorite writers and Richard Ferrone is an audiobook god.)

Author: Ilsa

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