All the Makings

For a disastrous day, that didn’t happen.


Maybe my expectations were a little lower this morning than normal since I knew I had to do a ton of errands I couldn’t put off any longer.  (Well, one was optional, but I’d already made the appointment, so…)  Anyway, the day wasn’t as bad as it could’ve been, production-wise.  Got up very early and started working right away and kept at it until I had to leave.  I also brought the Surface along so I could work if I had the chance.

As it turned out, I got that chance, and plenty.  The one appointment I’d made was with the TSA people for a TSA Pre.  To make a long and agonizing story very short, the appointments are scheduled at ten-minute intervals.  The husband went yesterday, sans appointment, heard that the wait was an hour and so went to another office in Decatur where he walked in and walked out within fifteen minutes.  True, he had to drive an hour to do this, but he still ended up ahead, compared to me.

My wait was . . . 2 1/2 hours.  HOURS.  For a 15 minute appointment that would’ve been shorter if a) the ONE employee hadn’t also been venting and then curious about my Surface and b) the fingerprint machine actually recorded, you know, FINGERPRINTS without you having to mash one hand down with the other.  If you have any bent or crooked fingers at all, you are SOL.

So that was frustrating.  I ran a couple of errands, knowing that they wouldn’t get to me for a long time.  Then I pulled out the Surface and got back to work.  Another guy there wanted to chat, and that was fine.  He was a nice guy, but he also left pissed because he was told on the phone that his military ID would be enough (his passport’s in transit.  Well, that would be no . . . and I think what upsets me is the lack of accountability here.  You can complain to the TSA, but so what?

Because of this, I also missed out on a date with a friend and had to reschedule another appointment to very late.  Did another errand.  Then I sat around to wait–and pulled out the Surface and worked some more.

All told, the day wasn’t a loss.  It was frustrating, but not a loss.

Oh, and the title has morphed again.  Titles always change.  An editor once told me that–although he was also the only editor who ever changed my titles.  OTOH, every title we batted around and agreed to was the correct one.  So he taught me something about flexibility.

If only I could be so flexible ALL the time.


Stay Dead (started 5/05)

Day 1: 1000
Day 2: 1200
Day 3: 1800
Day 4: 1350
Day 5: 1000
Day 6: 2000
Day 7-10: ~4500
Day 11-12: ~5000
Day 13: 1600
Day 14: 2300

Blog Post: 500
What I’m Reading:
Heart-Shaped Box.
What I’m Watching:
Nothing.  Swam today.
What I’m Listening to:
Right now, some very nice and relaxing Renaissance music.

Author: Ilsa

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