
    188 thoughts on “Contact

    1. Please write another book. I’m 12 years old but I love these books more than anything. I can only hope that one day I will meet you, and you can sign my books. I think you are my favorite author.. Well I need to be truthful.. You are tied with Bethany Wiggins. I love the Stung series. Anyway, there needs to be more books, and then look into making it a movie! I would by 1000 copies of all of your books if you made movies.
      You can’t just leave Alex, Tom, and Ellie like this. I don’t even care about wolf! Tom was her first love. But then again, Chris is very.. Romantic… But I cried when Tom and Alex almost had each other but the changed chased him away. Just hear my plea and write that other book. I have a few friends still working on the series. but I plan on bringing the books back. So prepare for more fans. And start a rough draft please.

    2. My name is Madison Horstman, I’m thirteen years old and live right here in Wisconsin. I’m a huge fan of your book, “Draw the Dark,” and I have some ideas for a squeal. Please respond if you want to hear them.

    3. Hey, Madison! Glad you liked that book. It was my first YA set in Wisconsin, so I’ve got a soft spot for that one. I deliberately leave my books very vague so people can imagine what comes after. What do you think happens next?

    4. Hey, Ilsa! What I believe happens next is that Christan unlock the secrets of the sideway place with Sarah

    5. Hey Ilsa 🙂
      I’ve heard about the turn-Ashes-into-a-movie facebook page and I agree! I got the books for christmas in 2013 (one book a day keeps the doctor away … seriously they were all read after three day) and they’re still my #1 favorite books! … Besides everybody I tell them about asks me what that is. I live in Germany so they’re not that popular here … anyway Alex and Wolf are still my OTP! And if they are going to turn the series into a movie (or even better, a tv show!) be sure of my support! I’d love to see it all on screen. You’re my favorite author so please keep writing amazing books and I’ll keep hoping for a German translation.
      All love in the world from me, Kathy♥

    6. Hey Ilsa
      Today I finished Drowning Instinct, and I just have to say it was such an amazing book. Such a cliff hanger! I love comparing the inner conflicts and identities of Alex, Jenna and Christian, as they are all flawed in their own respective ways, yet so inspiring. Both Drowning Instinct and Monsters made me cry excessively, by the way! What really affects me is the acute sense of loss you are able to show in both of these books, like the drowning of Mitch in Drowning Instinct, along with the death of Peter and how this affects Chris in Monsters. Can’t wait to start the Dark Passages series. I know it will be great.

    7. Greetings, Ms. Bick! I have recently discovered your works, and have enjoyed making my way through the Ashes Trilogy, Draw the Dark, and The Sin-Eater’s Confession (all of which would make great movies). I’m about to start on White Space. Thank you so much for bringing us these fresh, creative, and engaging stories! Cheers, Allan P.S. Please tell me there is a sequel to The Sin-Eater’s Confession in which Agent Thorne continues her attempt to solve Jimmy’s murder. 🙂

    8. Well, my goodness! I’m so glad you’re enjoying my work…but, holy smokes, I better get cracking and write another book!

      In terms of a sequel for SIN . . . no, sorry to say 🙂

    9. This is the only trilogy that I have no desire to read the third book. Very predictable and boring

    10. Sorry to hear that you feel that way, but everyone’s entitled to an opinion and not every book will be everyone’s cuppa. I hope you find something else you enjoy.

    11. Yes, best get cracking, lest I catch up, ha-ha! Only a chapter in, and I’m already captivated by White Space. Re a SIN sequel, I meant to post a tongue-in-check, “Please tell me there’s a sequel in the works”, but now that I think about it, it *could* be a compelling story, perhaps set many years in the future, the case having gone cold. Don’t say no right away – if you move forward with the idea, I promise not to ask for royalties. Just a nice dedication will do. 😉

    12. Hey there! My name is Vikkilynn, and I just wanted to say that I really enjoy your books, they are absolutely incredible! I got started when my friend recommended Ashes in my Freshman year, and I gave it a try. I was hooked, and didn’t know that it was part of a trilogy. I finally found the other two of the series while at the library and quickly snatched them up. I completely fell in love with the series, so much more so than I expected to. When I finished Monsters, I was so attached to the characters that I felt lost without them!
      The next book I read was White Space, and I adored it! Recently, I read Draw the Dark and I thought it was a really awesome idea as a artist/writer myself!
      Anyways, what I just wanted to say was that you have earned yourself a spot as one of my absolute favorite authors of all time, right up there with Stephen King and S.E. Hinton. Currently, I am writing a book of my own, and I was wondering if you could give me any tips, possibly, anything could help. It’s been my lifelong dream to publish a book.
      Keep on writing your amazing books!
      ~Vikkilynn Emerson

    13. Hey, Vikkilynn, thanks so much. I’m glad you’ve enjoyed my work.
      As for writerly advice, there’s a lot out there, some of which I’ve written but a lot written by other pro writers. Pay attention only to those people who actually make a living at this, and ignore the rest. My personal feeling is that majoring in creative writing in college is a waste of your time, and you are better served developing good writing habits, which include a schedule and routine. Take a look at this blog that I wrote: as a starting point. If you like books, try Stephen King’s On Writing. You can ignore the autiobiographical stuff if you want and skip write to the advice. Whatever you do, keep reading and writing 🙂

    14. I first picked up one of your books and read the information about you. I am hoping to become an adolescent psychologist and was intrigued to find that you are a child psychiatrist. I just finished reading “The Sin-Eater’s Confession” and I’m still not sure what I feel, but it made me feel something. I have to say that I am the type of person that always wants closure and to know who did what and why when I read books or watch movies/tv. But, your book didn’t leave me feeling like I needed to know. I was almost glad I didn’t find out. I felt at peace not knowing and I wanted to thank you for that. It was a great read.

    15. Thanks, Bethany. Honestly, I think that most of life refuses to tidy itself into something you can wrap with a lovely bow. I’m glad you appreciate that, too.

    16. Hello!

      I’ve finished the ashes series yesterday and I can’t believe the end. What will happen to Alex, Tom, Ellie, Chris and Wolf? This makes me crazy.
      You’re one of my favourite authors. Please write another book.

    17. Let me start by saying I was very intrigued by the Ashes Trilogy. So much so that I read it in a matter of weeks, despite two small children in the house and my job. I was absolutely floored that you ended Monsters in the way that you did. And when I say floored, what I mean was I was mad!! I had invested a lot of time in these books and wanted to see an ending. Since, I am sure you already know, it’s a trilogy, meaning 3 books. Did I get my ending? No I got left with candy and hopes for redemption. What I would like is to know what you have written, or if you are going to write anything to fix this issue that you as an author left us with. I would like to see closure for these characters. Please help.
      Thank you,

    18. First, thank you for getting in touch, Amanda. I’m pleased to hear that you got invested in these books and care about these peope because I know what it’s like to love characters and want to findout what happens next–but I think that Tom says it best: Not everything can be tied up with a bow. These are characters embarking on another adventure, and though it’s not the end, this is the end of this part of their lives that I’ve chosen to write about. In a way, that’s why there’s an empty page at the end of a book, and that’s for you to fill in what happens next.

      I may or may not revisit this universe; I actually wrote about that here: So…we’ll see.

    19. Hi Ilsa! I just read your book Drowning Instinct! I love it so much! It made me feel every emotion. You should write a sequel but in Mitch’s perspective! I feel that since Jenna is mentally unstable everything she is saying may not being true of that she is leaving out important information. I refuse to see Mitch as a predator. I really liked his character and I wanted him and Jenna to be together. I feel like if you wrote the story in his eyes before she came to Turing it would be awesome. Thank you for writing such a great book!

    20. Hi, back! I’m so glad you enjoyed that book. I can’t promise that I’ll write another from Mitch’s perspective, but it’s a very interesting thought. Thanks for the suggestion. ☺️

    21. Hey Isla!

      I just finished reading Drowning Instinct for the 3rd time now and every time I cry my eyes out! The words in the book hold so much raw emotion and it captures depression and mental illness so well.

      I’m in the love with the characters and I’m just itching for you to give me closure! Does Mitch die and please tell me they have a happy ending I can’t handle not knowing what happens to them. I get told to write my own little sequel but I don’t believe it as much as I would if the actual author told me.

      Drowning Instinct is by far my favourite book ever and I love you for writing it!

    22. I am so pleased you liked that book! In terms of what happens, though…well, that’s up to you. Seriously.
      So…what do you think?

    23. You are quite welcome, Paris. In terms of what happens next–well, at the risk of sounding glib, that’s really up to you. Truly. I don’t believe that everything needs to be tied with a bow, you know? Your imagination is certainly as good as mine. So…what do you think happens?

    24. Hi there!
      Just finished reading Drowning Instinct – took me 5 hours to read (one of my fastest times yet simply because it was such a brilliant novel.) I couldn’t put it down and you’ve made my list of favorite authors. Your novel- just like many other ethical novels I love- really captivated me.
      I love to write and am currently working on something, though I am struggling with just one thing in particular that I wondered if you had any advice on. I wondered if you had any advice for finding new and creative ways to write novels. I loved the way you had Drowning Instinct portrayed and you didn’t choose to take a typical 1st person narrative.

      Thank you so much for such a fantastic read, you are a truly wonderful author.

      Kind regards,
      Tayla Pellberg

    25. Why, thanks! I’m so pleased you enjoyed that book.
      In terms of advice…gosh, the best I can offer is for you to stretch yourself and read as much as you can, even stuff you might not normally. Really. What other writers do gives me new ideas all the time. Writers are readers first, right?

    26. Hi! I liked the Ashes trilogy more then I thought. I have read the Jonathon Mayberry series rot and ruin and thought that series would be hard to match. Your series had me gripping the book and not wanting to put it down till my eyes screamed to close them and get some sleep. These two series should not be compared as they are both equally good in their respective story-lines. I do hope at some time you do create another trilogy or two parter to the Ashes trilogy. The cliff hanger you left at the end of Monsters has me hungry to read more…something with more of an ever after. I suppose I could make up my own ending but then I would not feel it was their story but mine(not that I run around being chased by chuckies). Not to push or anything but maybe someday? I have gone to the link addressing issue and hope for the best. (lol wink wink)

    27. OHMYGOSH!!!!! you are my absolute favorite author!! I have read the entire ashes trilogy[and hope it has a fourth :-)]
      I am about to start White Space and am very excited. Like more excited about it than ever. I hope one day I get to meet you. You have an amazing imagination. I hope that one day you’ll be able to sign my books. I am absolutely in love with your works. I can’t wait to read about Emma and the adventures she has!

      I do wonder how you come up with these amazing novels? Every book of yours I read is one of those books where I can’t put it down once I start reading. Thank you for writing these books and giving me something fun and exciting to read every time I pick one up!

    28. *blush*
      I’m so glad you enjoyed that series. WS and its sequel, THE DICKENS MIRROR, are quite different, but I hope you find something to like in them and my other books 😉
      In terms of how I think them up? Honestly, I don’t know. But that’s what writing is: sitting in a room, making stuff up, and having fun doing it (when you’re not also tearing out your hair). 🙂
      Thanks for getting in touch! I love hearing from readers.

    29. Hi Mrs. Bick,

      I would like to know what you think are the most important scenes in Ashes. In my school we are talking about imagery and how it impacts the story. But, I’m not sure if my scenes really are important, I need five, I chose: The scene where it all began, Ellie’s guardian on the ground, Alex writhing in pain, she gets her sense of smell back. When the dogs attack and Tom shows up. When Tom, Ellie, and Alex are separated. Tom and Alex are in the store, Tom really hurt. When she meets Chris. This are the five scenes I chose, do you agree? Any more scenes?

    30. You know, if those are the scenes that stuck with you . . . then those are the ones you should pick. I’m totally serious. This is all about you, the reader, not me. Sounds fine 🙂

    31. Dear Ms. Bick,
      I just wanted to say I loved your Ashes trilogy! It was a gripping read, and really spoke to me. I just finished Monsters, and it was amazing. My favorite character was Wolf, he is such an intriguing, deep character. I have a ton of questions about him. Did he take the Almond Joy from Alex? How did he find Alex? Is he the only Changed who is on the edge of his human side? Why is he so close to his human side? I have my theories, but I want to hear what you think. ?
      These books just really stuck with me. I stopped reading at the beginning of Monsters because I was scared to see what happened to Chris, because he is one of my favorite characters. But after two weeks of waiting, I was still thinking about the book and wondering about what happened to the characters. I could still remember small details about the characters and their back stories, and I got sucked back into the trilogy and had to finish it! By the way, I loved the scene in the book where Ellie found Chris! It was scary but I couldn’t stop reading! I think these books are going to stick with me for a long time.
      Thanks for writing these wonderful books!
      P.S. Are you writing another story about Wolf and what happens to him? I would definitely buy it!! ?

    32. I am so pleased you liked it! Those books have stuck with me, too.

      As for what happens…well, I like to leave that up to readers. What do you think?

      You know, I often think about a sequel and even wrote about that (in my entry, “Letting Go”). Let’s just say that if the characters have more to say, I certainly won’t stand in their way 😉

      Thanks for getting in touch!

    33. Loved the ashes trilogy. Sad when it ended. Kind of wish you would do a spin off series like maybe there are two brothers and when the flash happens one turns and the older one is the same. Although he doesn’t want his brother to be a monster so he tries to kill him, but the younger one leads him all across the Rockies or something like that. All your choice though.

    34. Oh, intriguing idea, Logan. I will admit to thinking about continuing or spin-offs. But we will just have to see.
      So glad you liked the trilogy, though 🙂

    35. Hey I would just like to let you know amongst A levels and reading Jane Eyre for English Lit is seemed that I had lost the motivation to read for enjoyment but yesterday I picked up your book Monsters (I read Ashes and Shadows about a year ago) and decided to give it ago and already I’m in love once again with your books. I was also wondering if there had been any progression on film or tv series possibilities? Thanks xx

    36. First off, I’m thrilled that you turned to one of my books to relieve the tedium (although one has to wonder WHAT Ms. Austen would make of that). 😉 So, thank you.

      As for films or TV…sadly, no. Don’t ask me why. Hollywood has such a tin ear, I think.

    37. I messaged your site not too long ago and have finished the Ashes series and have already started to re-read them, I can’t get enough haha. Just a quick side note if an audition for Alex came up could you broadcast it please, I think she’s such a brilliant gritty character and would love to have the opportunity to take part in something like that, and I’m sure that I’m not the only one.
      Again many thanks for writing such wonderful books

    38. You are quite welcome, Nieve. My sincere pleasure. I hope some of my other stuff catches your eye. If not…I’d best get cracking, huh? 😉

    39. Please please PLEASE write a sequel to Drownin Instinct. Where it left off does end the story in a way which is fitting-not too much revealed, but not too much left unsaid. But I really think that a sequel would make all of your many fans pee themselves with happiness (but that’s just my opinion :D) also, what was your inspiration(s) for this book?

    40. LOL!! You are so sweet! I’m so thrilled that you enjoyed the book. I’ve toyed with a sequel, but — honestly — I think what everyone else thinks happens next is way more important than anything I could write. So what do you think?

      In terms of inspiration, well…haven’t we all had crushes on guys we couldn’t have? 😉

    41. Hello, Ms. Bick!
      I really loved your book, Drowning Instinct! I actually just finished it like a minute ago. Although it’s a bit confusing ending so I wanted to clarify. Did Mitch die? I don’t think she fully stated he did. (I’m still hanging on this tiny bit of hope that he didn’t though. ?) Hope you answer this and think about having a sequel soon!

    42. Hello, Ms. Bick!
      I really loved your book, Drowning Instinct! I actually just finished it like a minute ago. Although it’s a bit confusing ending so I wanted to clarify. Did Mitch die? I don’t think she fully stated he did. (I’m still hanging on this tiny bit of hope that he didn’t though. ?) Hope you answer this and think about having a sequel soon!

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