38 thoughts on “Oh. My. GAWD.

  1. I just wanted to let you know I just finished Ashes and I LOVED it!!! I cant wait for the next book! I’ll be writing a review in the next few days! You’re coming to AZ in a few days and Im going to try and make it out to the bookstore!!! I’d love to meet you! 🙂


  2. Well, thanks! I’m glad you had a good time ;-). Do introduce yourself if you make it to the launch party at Changing Hands!

  3. I LOVED, loved, loved Ashes. Excellent book. When is the next one coming out? Do you have a mailing list? If so you can add me to it.

  4. Thank you! I’m so sorry my reply was delayed; I’ve been on the road and so I’m a tad bewildered O.o

    Anyway, SHADOWS hits shelves Fall, 2012. I don’t maintain a mailing list, sorry . . . so, maybe, put it on your calendar?

  5. Thanks, Caryn. Glad you liked it. In the publishing world–what with covers and copy-edits and all that–fall, 2012 is right around the corner 😉 But I do understand. I feel that way about some of my favorite authors, too.

  6. OMG!!!! I LOVED Ashes…it was so good!!!!!! The suspense is going to kill me, waiting for SHADOWS to come out next fall.

  7. I just finished Ashes. It started from a link to read and excerpt off of Facebook which lead me to Scribd which then lead me to Barnes & Noble so I could buy a version for my Nook Color & Android Phone. I think my wife was a bit annoyed by the whole experience because I couldn’t put down the darn book! I’m not an avid reader! Just finished it today and I am looking forward to next installment. I found myself a bit upset at the constant turmoil this heroine seems to be in. When you wrote, “That was the last good time.” you certainly disappoint. However I hope it doesn’t turn into The Walking Dead comic series where the main character & his son just can’t catch a break. I hope Alex catches a break in the next book. Thanks for the experience 🙂

  8. You are quite welcome, Mike. Wow, you went through your own trials and tribulations there, too, didn’t you? I can promise you this: things will get much, much worse. But then, in a disaster, things usually do 😉

  9. Ack! I meant to say “You certainly DIDN’T disappoint” Guess I should proof read before hitting submit.

    My 11 year old daughter is the reader of the family. She reads at a 12th grade level and she insisted I let her read Ashes. She got to Part 2 last night and is looking forward to the rest of the book. Hopefully she’ll be ok with the rest of the book.

    Thanks again!

  10. Hi, I’m reading Ashes at the moment, I’m nearing half way through and I bought it yesterday:P hehe, it is AMAZING!!! one of the best books I’ve ever read. I’ve been reading constantly since I bought it, all my family are saying I’m being antisocial:P I love the story so far, and the plot and characters are so detailed and developed, I just wanna keep reading!!!!!:D id write more but I feel I have to return to the book, so yeah, BRILLIANT book, LOVE it, and cant wait to finish it and read the sequel in fall 2012!!!!:D

    Hollie (15)

  11. You know, Hollie, my family said the same thing to me whenever I buried my nose in a good book. There’s nothing better than getting lost in another world, is there? Enjoy the rest of your read and thanks for getting in touch 🙂

  12. Omg. I read all of ashes in a day!!! It was sooo good!!! I desperately hope she finds Tom and he isn’t changed!!! I see Chris more of a friend type. But it would be awkward if she sees Tom and shes with Chris. This fall?! I hate waiting for books to come out!! But hopefully the longer it takes, the better the book. I love reading your books!!!

  13. LOL! Down, girl! 😉 Seriously, Ali, I’m thrilled that you like the book. And waits are HORRIBLE, I know; I so feel your pain. As for how things turn out . . . heh-heh . . . well, time will ~~tell~~. Remember: Tom’s, you know, gone.

  14. Omg this was one of the best books I’ve read in a really long time. It was really great can’t wait til it comes out in the fall!! I wish it would come out sooner!

  15. Im in 7th grade reading at a 12th grade reading level……Astounding, i loved the book i was glued to the pages! I cant wait for the coming of shadows! =P

  16. omg is basically all i can say though…. im a bit mad at my self for not relizing the res of the books are not out. D:< now i have to wait!!!! its going to kill me… i rly did love your book and i CANT wait for shadows haha im putting this in my phone do you know the month for the release or date 🙂 lol agian i CANT wait 1 more min its burning inside of my my gawd girl lol

  17. LOL! Down, girl, down! 😉 Seriously, so glad you liked the book. SHADOWS is coming out on 9/11/12. So . . . not too much longer!

  18. I just finished Ashes, and it was honestly one of the best books I have ever read. A couple of parts creeped me out, (ie p. 121) but all in all the book was great. Regardless of my grade level, 7th. The one thing that really confused me was the ending. My first thoughts: “random cliffhanger much?” Then I got an idea. Maybe the books are a series! I had had no idea. So I find out that the sequel is Shadows and go to Amazon straight away. You can expect my reaction as I come to this page and notice that date, 9/11/12. Well, at least I will be able to get it for my birthday… I really hope the next book is just as good as the first, and regardless of complaints don’t rush it.

    PS: PLZ don’t say “down, girl!” I’m a boy. XD!

  19. Well, gosh, Mason, wouldn’t dream of it, man. I’m truly glad you figured out that it’s the first in a trilogy. A lot of people were flummoxed, but I would NEVER be so cruel! I, too, hope you like the second as much as the first. If you don’t, though . . . say nothing 😉

  20. I just finished Ashes it was Brilliant.I dont want to wait till next fall, its already killing me.I hope she finds Tom and Ellie the three of them were like a family and that way Alex can keep her promise to Ellie

  21. Oh wow. I couldn’t put it down. Damn you brilliant writers and your penchant for amazing cliffhangers!
    I’m so glad that this caught my eye; I’d never know what I was missing out on!
    It’s such a deliciously intricate plot line and the way you’ve written each and every character draws empathy and sympathy from me in a way I’ve never known. I loved the believability of Ellie as a young girl… some of the novels I’ve read just barely pull off the mentality and reactions of younger characters but Ellie became a tangible person for me. She was real, she was frightened and I felt an overwhelming urge to protect her. I couldn’t believe the ending at all… I was almost expecting her to find Tom there (without giving away too much for those who haven’t read it… XD) but the idea that her companions are both still out there waiting to be found is so much more real and less television drama script.
    I also really enjoyed the way you worked Chris into the storyline without turning it into an epically tragic love triangle that most novels aimed at teenagers have these days; they get old so fast!
    I’m so hooked and I think I might just work on building a time machine so I don’t have to wait for Shadows!
    Ugh, why?!
    Thank you for sharing your literary genius with the world!

  22. Oh, wow, Karen, thanks! I’m blushing, really. Ellie was a very difficult character to write. True, I’ve had a lot of experience with kids, but trying to find the right balance without turning the child into someone movie-ish like Newt (from ALIENS) was a real challenge. Ellie had to be a true pain because most scared children are.
    And, yes, at all costs, I wanted to avoid the love triangle (which really isn’t here).
    Anyway, glad you liked it! And patience, grasshopper 😉

  23. WOW. I JUST finished reading the last page of Ashes and it left me staring at the page in horror, with quickened breaths going “no, no, no, no, there has to be more, there has to be more, no,no no…” For about a two minutes straight.

  24. Wow, i just finished reading Ashes today and it was amazing!I had a feeling that something was not right in Rule ,tee hee. I’m sad because now i have nothing read until September lol. I have to say i was scared to finish the book, meaning that Ashes wouldn’t be apart my daily life anymores cause it was that good! ^-^ I want to thankyou for taking away my bordem for the past few weeks and i enjoyed reading Alex’s adventure within my own pace. hehe. XD I loved all the characters and the development of the storyline between Tom and Alex and Chris and Alex. Not mention, the way you write is soo enchanting, i mean i counld’nt put the book down , you are amazing!!!!. I can’t wait to read the next enstallment, Shadows. Thansu foe writing this book, one of my faves! ^.^

  25. Hey, Cara: Well, that’s so cool! Thank you so much for letting me know that you enjoyed the book. I do hope you like SHADOWS. But, if you don’t . . . don’t tell me 😉

    Seriously–thanks. This always means a lot to me.

  26. I’m sure i will enjoy it.lol
    I love cliffhangers cause it means another amazing book.^^
    I really do apologise for my spelling lol, it was the early hours of the morning and i wasn’t paying attention. X3
    Thanks again. Your a legend!!XD

  27. omg, omg, omg, omg! That was the best book i have read in a long time, and trust me i read ALOT!!! When i read the ending i was yelled WHAT!!! WHAT!!! NO THAT CANT BE RIGHT! and scared the crap outa my mom! That cliffhanger at the end of the book was one of the best ones i have ever read! But i also didnt know that there was a second book after Ashes and luckily i found out it was in like two months so i could read it durrng the school year, that will hopefully slow down my reading becasue i read Ashes in 1 1/2 days! YOU are my new favorite author! Thank you for whriting such a wonderful book! XD

  28. LOL!! Thanks, Coral 🙂 Glad you liked it and that you figured out there are two more books coming 😉

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