Close-ups, Cake, and MONSTERS, Too

Following up on my post a couple weeks ago on profile pics, a lot of you put in your two cents.  Many came down on the side of the current Glacier picture because it’s spontaneous, a little quirky, and lets you know a tad more about me and what I like.


But an awful lot of you also seemed to favor that cow-patty pose: me and my duster, just all aw-shucks-y.


I can see it; it’s colorful, I’m smiling.  I am kind of fond of that little duster, too, although I’ll be honest: I want a REAL duster.  Like the one Sharon Stone wears in THE QUICK AND THE DEAD:



The first isn’t the greatest shot, but you get the idea. In the second, though, check out that embroidery on the shoulder flaps and sleeves.  This isn’t your ordinary, cow-kickin’ duster, no way.  Seriously, the woman’s wardrobe in this movie is jaw-droppingly awesome as this lovely post details so well.   And yes, I, too would kill for that fringed jacket–and a waist brooch?  So cool.  Of course, I might also have to look like Sharon Stone, in which case, well . . .

Anyway, so I’m hearing you guys, and here’s what I’m thinking: maybe it’s time to change up Glacier for another picture, especially since MONSTERS is hitting shelves tomorrow.  That trilogy’s the end of a wild ride for me, and I hope you have enjoyed that as much as I have.  Leaving these guys behind is tough—and, yes, for those of you who’ve read the ARC and clamored for more: I do have ideas about a fourth book, and maybe more, but I would really have to believe the universe needs more.  Lord knows, I feel ‘em in me, so I might; you just never know.  Still, if I never wrote another word in that universe, I think the trilogy stands on its own and the end for these folks is the only end there can be at the point in time we leave them.

Is there more that happens after?  Hell, yeah.  But let’s allow all this to digest and settle a bit. I’ve got other projects on tap, a new series starting in February . . . and these guys aren’t going anywhere.  They’re all up here <taps temple>, and I promise I’ll keep them good and safe.

Unless someone out there knows another someone who’d like to make a MOVIE?  Or THREE?  And look how BIG the last book is: a two-parter, easy.  Just sayin’ . . .  So, J. J. Abrams, Ridley Scott, Steven Spielberg, Rian Johnson, Christopher Nolan (and all the rest of you guys) . . . where are you?

Anyway, here are a couple pics, one of which I might switch out for my current profile pic.  As you can see, with the exception of the very last one, the first three are all spontaneous, un-posed: me being me, out doing what I love doing when I’m not writing. All were taken on a trip to Isle Royale last year, a place you really have to want to get to, which is probably why I–and a certain character–love it so much.


Me, wondering why the hell I suggested a 17+ mile hike, all of which felt uphill.

me laughing at glacier

Me, lakeside, thrilled beyond measure to give my aching tootsies the rest they deserve.  Of course, I will only have to put my boots on and head back in, like, fifteen minutes.

isle royale

Really?  You want to steal my cheese?  Seriously?

And, finally, in honor of MONSTERS hitting shelves on September 10:


Me, trying to steal a moment to have my special MONSTERS cake (chocolate rum and peppermint swirl) and eat it, too.


Author: Ilsa

6 thoughts on “Close-ups, Cake, and MONSTERS, Too

  1. I like the one of you laughing, barefooted. But lady, at least you’re photogenic. 🙂 They’re all good!

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