Grinding It Out


You might notice that I’ve published twice today.  That’s because I neglected to post Going Batty yesterday.  Yes, I was that frazzled.

Today, I’m simply grinding.  I started working as soon as I got up, took a break to do a TV interview (nothing up yet, or I’d post a link), and then went back at it, breaking for the gym and then dinner with the husband.  Made a nice cocktail, too:


Meet a Raines Law Room’s Wildest Redhead (Scotch, Allspice Dram, honey syrup, lemon juice, and Cheery Heering).  Really, this is a riff on a Blood and Sand that I actually like much better since I’m not a real fan of orange juice.

Otherwise, just working.  Almost there.  My, what a long short story this is becoming.  You know, here’s the dilemma, too: I will only be paid X amount for this, up to a certain length.  After that, the words are all free.  Worth pondering, if only because you have to factor in the number of hours I’ve been at this thing and what I’ll actually make.

Sort of sobering.  This is not an efficient way to make money, not the way I’m doing it.  (I know, I know.  Writers aren’t supposed to talk about money.  But you have to.  You can’t live off royalties forever unless you’ve written works that sell well and for a long time and a lot of them.)



Day 1: 1000
Day 2: 2200
Day 3: 2100
Day 4: 1200
Day 5: 3300
Day 6: 2000
Day 7: 3400
Day 8: 1250
Day 9: 5200

Blog Post: 300
What I’m Watching:
Motive, at the gym, as well as the latest Americans.  At home with the husband, House of Cards.

What I’m Reading:
Nothing very interesting.
What I’m Listening to:
Nothing.  Too preoccupied. I need quiet when my characters are jabbering.
Now to wrap up their bloody story.

Author: Ilsa

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